Oldfield Wharf Development

The Oldfield Wharf development (previously branded as the historically more accurate Outwood Wharf) was granted planning permission in 2018.  Unfortunately our suggestion that the brick northern bridge parapet with stone capping should be retained and preserved along with any features of the bridge was not adopted.

However one of the conditions attached to that planning permission was that “Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved, a scheme to commemorate the heritage of the site and adjacent area within the new public realm shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority (LPA). The approved scheme shall be implemented prior to the first occupation of the development and retained thereafter.” (Condition 15).

The Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal Society (MBBCS) have since corresponded with the LPA regarding the applicant’s original proposal as to how condition 15 could be satisfied.  They agreed that 3 heritage information boards should be funded by the developer and placed in the proposed public open space in front of the development.

Click below to see our initial response to the original proposal by the developer

Click below to see our response to the developer’s revised proposals