By becoming a member, you’re helping maintain and restore the canal. Whether you volunteer once in a blue moon, take an active role on the committee or just donate, every little helps.
“The canal could be something amazing which we all enjoy but it needs support to make it happen.
That’s why I joined the Manchester Bury & Bolton Canal Society.
I believe that together we can make a real difference.”
John Griggs, member for 12 years

Membership Options and Prices

Members Magazine
All our members are kept informed of what’s going on via the Society’s full-colour, quarterly magazine, which reached its 100th edition in 2013.
To see an example edition, simply click the link below:

The MBBCS is a Registered Charity (number 1048407). If you are a taxpayer, you can increase the value of your subscription (and any donation), by asking for your payment to be treated as Gift Aid. Currently, every £1 we receive will then be worth £1.25 to us by reclaiming the tax you have already paid.
By choosing Gift Aid you are declaring that you are a UK taxpayer and asking us to treat all qualifying gifts of money made now and in the future as Gift Aid. You must have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities that you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year. Other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify.
Personal data is stored on our computer database to send you the quarterly magazine and for membership renewals and enquiries. See our privacy statement for more information.