Student accommodation developer X1 are proposing to build a 396 bed student residential development following the demolition of existing buildings at Cumberland Garage, Cumberland House, Lissadel Street, Salford. Cumberland House itself was built on the site of a mid 19th century cotton mill – Bank Mill. Bank Mill was built next to the Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal to ensure a plentiful supply of coal from the Irwell Valley collieries.

. Source: planning documents / University of Manchester image collection
The canal was infilled in the 1960s, however it has never been built on at this location and so awaits restoration. Please join MBBCS in calling for the developer to follow Salford Local Plan policy HE6 which requires that development alongside the line of the canal shall facilitate its restoration.
The full MBBCS comments on the application can be found here
You can comment on the planning application by following this link and we would encourage you to do so.
For those interested in industrial archaeology the Archaeological Desk-based Assessment commissioned by the developer is well worth a read