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Bury Canal Society

Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal

Upper Wharf Street, Salford Development

Press Release

Upper Wharf Street, Salford development
Issued 5th August, 2023

H20 Urban is a specialist waterside development company owned by the Canal & River Trust and bloc Ltd. H2O has now announced a significant new development on Upper Wharf Street in Salford, which includes the line of the Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal.

The current proposal is not ‘waterside’ because it does not now offer restoration of the canal which is very disappointing, especially as it would be the next stage following the successful restoration of the canal at the neighbouring Middlewood Locks.
There is a consultation until 16th August 2023. https://www.upperwharfstreet.co.uk/
MBBCS believes that the failure to include canal restoration in the proposal is a huge missed opportunity not just for the canal but for future residents at the development and the wider community. Paul Hindle, chair of MBBCS says “People love living next to waterways and we would expect the canal in water to be a vital feature of this development with all the benefits that will bring”.

Please click here to see the comments made by Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal Society.

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