MBBCS logo Manchester Bolton &
Bury Canal Society

Bolton Green Festival

Bolton Green Festival was organised by Bolton Green Umbrella and saw over 40 groups open up their green spaces around Bolton. Manchester, Bolton & Bury Canal Society took part in the Festival from 12 noon till 4pm on Saturday, 23rdJuly. 

We positioned ourselves near the Meccano Bridge and handed out free leaflets about walks along the canal, its heritage and plans for restoration.

Despite the rain and drizzle we had about 40 walkers, cyclists and runners pass by, quite a few of whom were willing to chat about the restoration and discuss their ideas for the canal. 3 people said they would be interested to use a cleaned up canal for paddle-boarding. Others wanted to see more activities for kids along the canal, for example fishing and pond dipping.

Whilst at the junction of the three arms of the canal (Bolton, Salford and Bury), we also did some Himalayan balsam bashing, collected some litter and received a donation for MBBCS. Two adult swans and their 8 signets honoured us with their presence and enjoyed being fed by residents.

Swans at Nob End

Above: Swan family at Nob End waiting to be fed during the Bolton Green Festival

Swans at Nob End

Above: Locals feeding the swans

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